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 東京佼成ウインドオーケストラでは2024年4月の大井剛史常任指揮者就任を機に、今後5年間でDavid Maslanka (1943-2017) が吹奏楽のために書いた7曲の交響曲を全て演奏いたします。2024-25シーズンは2番と9番に取り組みます。マスランカの作品のスケールは桁違いに大きく、ひたすらに独自の世界を構築していますが、その根源には精神的苦難を乗り越え、大地に根差して生命あることに感謝しながら生きる作曲家の人生観があります。そうした、内容の深い音楽が吹奏楽の世界にあることを噛み締めつつこのチクルスを歩んでまいります。


交響曲 第9番(2011年)



Symphony No. 9 is a large collection of instrumental songs. There are many influences and underlying elements, but most of them cannot be explained in words. Rather than try, I will simply list some of the things at work:

Time: memory, passing of time, "We flew through the years hearing them rush under us" --W.S Merwin
Water: cleansing and life-giving power, Shall We Gather at the River, Whale Story
Nature: our ground, river, ocean, chickadees
Grace: compassion, forgiveness, rest

The Symphony begins with a reading of the poem "Secrets"* by W.S. Merwin.

Time unseen time our continuing fiction
however we tell it eludes our dear hope and our reason
that is a pure condition of the story
and wherever our parents came from is another century
an age which they themselves could barely remember
but carried with them as their own year after year
hidden away hardly looked at until the secret
without their noticing had faded all the details white
for my mother it came to be the lace veil covering
the front of the baby carriage where she was being
wheeled through the Garden of the Gods when her parents were
still alive as she told about it later
and for my father it was the glare bleaching the surface
of the river as he sat under the white blaze
of summer in the rowboat tied above the waterline
where he was allowed to hold the oars and imagine
leaving did he see any farther when he was
dying in summer after midnight and before the solstice
coughing saying he was not afraid and was the veil still there
when my mother turned from her own garden one evening that same year
telling a friend on the telephone that she was going
to get a little rest now at her glasses were lying
apart from her on the floor not more than an hour
later when a neighbor pushed the door open and found her

Each movement embodies one or more chorale melodies or other songs. In the fourth movement, There is a reading of my own Whale Story (O Sacred Head Now Wounded).

  1. Shall We Gather at the River
    I Thank You God for All Your Good Works
  2. Now All Lies Under Thee
  3. Fantasia on I Thank You God...
  4. Fantasia on O Sacred Head Now Wounded
    Shall We Gather at the River
    Watch the Night With Me (fl., tpt, harp, pno.)
    Soul, How Have You Become So Unhappy † (fl., tpt, sax., harp, pno.)
    Whale Story (O Sacred Head Now Wounded)

Why should God have incarnated only in human form? (A brief story about whales)

In the sixty million years or so the great whales have had, both on land and in the oceans, there have been numerous, and in fact, innumerable great beings among them. In fact, it turns out that all the great whales are either highly developed bodhisattvas or Buddhas. And in fact, it turns out that the Earth's oceans are a Buddha Pure Land, and when you pass from this existence it is to be hoped for rebirth as a god or a great whale. In fact, it turns out that the Pure Land oceans of the Earth are a training ground for Buddhas across all space and time. We are loved by the great whales, and they, serenely riding the waves of birth and death, will die for us so that we may come to our enlightenment.

The end.

O Sacred Head Now Wounded † (cl., sax., harp, pno., perc.)

Program notes by David Maslanka.

2025年1月11日(土) なかのZERO 大ホール

交響曲 第2番(1986年)





Nearly thirty years have passed since the premiere of Symphony No. 2, the first of my seven symphonies for wind ensemble. In that time I have come to recognize that issues of transformation are at the heart of my work, initially my personal issues of loss, grief, and rage, then knowing that my own change is the start for some element of outward movement, for change in the world. This is a long, slow process, but it is the requirement of our time. The crux of Symphony No. 2 i s the river metaphor of the second movement: crossing over to the other side ... death, yes, but also movement away from ego/self and toward compassion.

Everyone knows that we are living in a seriously dangerous time. For me, Symphony No. 2 was my first awareness in artistic terms that this is the case. Nearly sixty years ago African writer Chinua Achebe wrote the renowned novel, Things Fall Apart. Chronicling the destruction of one life he hit upon what we must do to regain our balance: return to our deepest inner sources for sustenance and direction; return to the tradition of the art community: people selected and set apart to dream for the community as a whole. If art is worth anything it is this: it brings us back to dream time and the inner voice. It lets the heart speak, giving us answers that we cannot reach in any other way. This is why we make music.

Program note by David Maslanka.



第2楽章はアフリカ系アメリカ人の霊歌《ディープ・リバー》のアレンジで開始されます。この曲の歌詞には「深い川よ、私の家はヨルダン川のさきにある 深い川よ、主よ、私は集会地に渡りたい」とあります。この楽章の作曲には2つの意味深い偶然が絡んでいます。この楽章のおおよその部分が完成し、別の作曲プロジェクトで作業している最中に《ディープ・リバー》に出会ったのですが、この歌とこの楽章はまるでお互いのために作られたかのように合致したので、私はこの歌を曲中に取り入れることに決めました。また、私がこの楽章に最後の音を書き込んだのは、スペースシャトル・チャレンジャー号の事故が起きたのとほぼ同時刻でした。私はこれらの偶然の力を非常に強く感じ、この事故で命を落とした宇宙飛行士たち、フランシス・R・スコビー、マイケル・J・スミス、ジュディス・A・レズニック、エリソン・N・オニヅカ、グレゴリー・B・ジャーヴィス、クリスタ・マコーリフにこの楽章を捧げました。



Symphony No. 2 was commissioned by the Big Ten Band Directors Association in 1983. I was asked to write a major work for full band. The Symphony was given its premiere at the 1987 CBDNA Convention in Evanston, Illinois. The performing group was the combined Symphonic Band and Symphonic Wind Ensemble of Northwestern University under the direction of John P. Paynter.

The first movement is in sonata form. It travels with gathering force to a climax area halfway through, and then dissolves suddenly into a heated fantasia. A very simple restatement of the opening theme and a brief coda finish the movement. This music is deeply personal for me, dealing with issues of loss, resignation, and acceptance.

The second movement opens with an arrangement of "Deep River," a traditional African-American melody. The words of the song read in part: "Deep River, my home is over Jordan. Deep River, Lord, I want to cross over to camp ground." The composition of this movement involved for me two meaningful coincidences. The body of the movement was completed, and then I came across Deep River while working on another project. The song and my composition fit as if made for each other, so I brought the song into the Symphony. The last notes were put onto the score of this movement almost to the hour of the space shuttle Challenger disaster. The power of these coincidences was such that I have dedicated this music to the memory of the astronauts who lost their lives: Francis R. Scobee, Michael J. Smith, Judith A. Resnick, Ellison S. Onizuka, Gregory B. Jarvis, and Christa McAuliffe.

The finale of this Symphony is once again in sonata form. There are three broad theme areas occupying more than a third of the movement, a development based primarily on themes one and three, a recapitulation (minus the third theme area) , and a brief coda. The underlying impulse of this movement is an exuberant, insistent outpouring of energy, demanding a high level of playing precision and physical endurance from the performers.

Program note by David Maslanka.
2024年4月5日(金) 東京オペラシティ コンサートホール:タケミツメモリアル

原文出典:David Maslanka公式サイト